Ginger Root Design were a true breath of fresh air with vintage-inspired, smart and original designs.
Perfecting the art of upcycling [making something new out of something already in existence], the style was equally parts London-esque, tweed-and-zipper chique and something that Maggie Gyllenhaal would wear in Secretary. Zooey Deschanel/Manic Pixie Girl would definitely rock Ginger Root! Their designs were funky yet not groan-inducingly, self-referentially hipsterish. The colors were bold yet the patterns were not busy and relied more on a blocks rather than smashing of patterns approach. As the only designer to use “normal-sized” models, it was apparent that while Ginger Root make high-end fashion, their clothes were designed with a more pragmatic brush stroke and with at least some concern for practicality.
These amazing words were by Toni Tileva for BYT and the stunning photography by Franz Mahr. Check out their full report on the fashion show here.